Nicolas Ferry
Nicolas is a M.D., Ph.D. His initial training in research was in endocrinology and pharmacology where he studied the regulation of adrenergic receptors in liver and blood platelets.
During a post-doctoral stay at the Pasteur Institute in 1990, he entered the field of cell and gene therapy. He served as a scientist at the INSERM for more than 25 years where he developed new strategies of gene and cell therapies for liver cancer and hepatic inherited diseases in Paris (Necker Hospital), Rennes and Nantes. He eventually created his own INSERM lab, in 2009.
Nicolas was a gene therapy expert for the French regulatory authority (AFSSAPS) from 2000 to 2010.
In 2011 he joined the ANSM as head of the department of vaccines, blood products and advanced therapies. During that time, he was also member of the CAT of the EMA in London from 2011 to 2016.
He served as Scientific Director for cell and gene therapy at Servier laboratories from 2018 to 2020 and as VP and Chief of Development Officer at Coave Therapeutics from 2021 to 2022.
During his research career, he co-authored more than 100 scientific publications.
He is a founder of NF Consulting, specialized in consultancy for CMC, preclinical, clinical and regulatory of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products.